
Vikings lose 9-1 against Oilmen

By: Griffin Winiecki

Our Vikings weren't able to keep up with the offensive onslaught that was the Oil City Oilmen. Trey Pitcock the Wabash University player, started on the mound today for the Vikings and Thomas Haggerty the Triton College player started for the Oilmen. 

 The Vikings were the first ones to get on the board scoring after a wild pitch in the 2nd inning. Later in the second, Emmanuel Scott singled and tied the score at 1. Later in teh 4th, it was Emmanuel Scott and Ryan Groberski each having a RBI single to set the lead 3-1 Oilmen. 

The 5th inning was a big one for the Oilmen as they scored off of a single by Wendling and a 2-run homerun by Caceres which had the Oilmen lead 6-1 after the 5th. A wild pitch by the Vikings upped the Oilmen score from 6 to 7 and Wendling ended his day with a 2 RBI double to have the score be 9-1. 

The Vikings overall had 10 walks against Oilmen but struckout a total of 18 times. As the Vikings look to improve they will travel to Highland to take on the Panthers on Friday.

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